Wednesday, December 2, 2009

TONIGHT: bluemercury Holiday Party!

Bluemercury, Chicago's phenomenal one-stop shop for makeup and skincare, is having their annual Holiday Shopping Party TONIGHT, Wednesday December 2nd! Never been to Bluemercury? My first trip was three years ago when I moved here and I've been exclusively going there ever since. They have the best of the best in products and every single employee is literally a wealth of beauty knowledge. An employee even called to ask me if I wanted her to set aside some products if I wasn't able to make it. I adore this place.

They have a wide range of brands including some of my favorites: Fresh, Bobbi Brown, NARS, Trish McEvoy, Kiehl's, Laura Mercier, ReVive, Diptyque candles, GoSMILE, REN... the list could go on forever.

And what better time to stock up on your makeup and beauty regimes than with a great discount. There are different levels of discounts depending on how much you spend. Not to mention FREE samples, snacks and champagne!

Here are the details:

bluemercury Holiday Shopping Party
2208 North Halstead, Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: (773) 327-6900
Wednesday December 2
Time: 4 P.M. - 10 P.M.

Hope to see some of you tonight! Don't live in Chicago? Don't worry, bluemercury is located in twelve states as of now - find a store near you.

1 comment:

Sharon McPherson said...

Great to find a blogger living in Chicago. I have visited Chicago many times ... love it. Am following your blog ... brings back memories.